Here are the notes from our BCOER ETUG session – April 2014
Key Challenges (groups mention 1 or 2 main challenges from the brainstorm):
What are OERs anyhow?
Unclear path –what next?
Disappearing resources
Big Complicated sites
Institutional Culture doesn’t support openness
How to store and curate /content /materials
Understanding CC licesnces
Design (or not) for reuse
Transferablility (reuse, permissions, quality)
Quality & standards
Pressure from Trad publishers
Promotions & tenure
Turn key solutions are easier
Student POV?
Transfer credit
Student created OERs
Sticky NOTES from Participants Brainstorm on Challenges
THEMES on All Challenges noted from above:
– Where to start?
– uncler path
– don’t know about OERs
– how to “publicize” within the institution?
– know what it is; where to find it; operates under the 5 Rs – what do they mean?
– need to learn more about it
– need feedback form instructors
– searching for OER challenging
– Where do I put my open resources so ppl can find them?
– repositories are not well curated
– storing /curating content produced via open pedagogy
– need for open/curated collections
– open resources not in libary catealogue
– searching efficiently
– navigating (so many) repositories
– may not have open texts fro specific areas
– Merlot
– Open texts sites
– must get to know sites/ complicated
Quality &Longevity of OERs:
– quality – transferability
– hard to determine quality
– OERs that disappear over a short period of time
– disappearing resources
– share products not source files
– contextual relevance
– solo work – no burden / sharing
– challenge if not editable or need a lot of adapting & cannot do it
– lack of ancillary resources
-usability paradox
– understanding CC license
– licensing not always clear
– defining terms & licensing
Resistance to Change:
– Institutional culture can facilitate or hinder adoption
– Hard to get faculty to switch from trad textbooks
– operational challenges wtih adoption
– institutional culture doesn’t support openness
– process of adapting is a challenge
– linking into development opportunities
– time
– 0 for reuse ; 0 resources found in Architecture??
Hi Everyone, I threw in a proposal for Erin, Janis and I to do a session at ETUG as a placeholder and we got accepted by the program committee.
This page is to draft our prep for the ETUG session on the BCOER with focus on a facilitated discussion
The time slot we have is Friday June 13th 11:00 am (50 min) – Langara Campus. Hope you will all join us there! We would like to engage with all interested and facilitate the conversation regarding challenges of OER and crowdsource solutions and what we will do to tackle this together.
Blurb from BCOER Initiatives like the BC Open Textbook project managed by BCcampus, and flexible learning projects like those at UBC and SFU, present more opportunities to use Open Education Resources in BC postsecondary. However many faculty aren’t aware of the benefits of OERs, the range of OERs that are available, or how to find the best ones to use (or revise, or remix). The BCOER, a team of BC postsecondary librarians, has been discussing ways to collaborate on supporting faculty in adopting, using, and ultimately creating OERs. The group has started to identify and develop assessment tools for quality OERs, and has begun working to build finding aids for specific academic disciplines. We’ll talk about what we’ve done so far and we want to hear from you too: bring your questions and ideas on how libraries can support OER initiatives at postsecondary institutions, and share your feedback on the supports and tools we are developing.
Materials Needed (Leva – can you bring these or are they available)
Markers, sticky notes, name tag
Outline (Janis)
Introductions – get a sense of who is in the room – librarians, instructors or other support people (5 min)
Outline activity to participants 1. Activity on Challenges/Solutions using a modified Liberating structures discussion and crowdsource problems and ideas for solutions 2. Letting people know what BCOER is and what we are doing and trying to achieve Share out our notes and solutions (over time)
Discussion Activity 1* (Janis) – (15 min) Find who is in the room and move them around (disperse the librarians)
What are the challenges to finding and using OER content in your work?
Take a moment to think about challenges in using OER and write down on a sticky note. (3 min)
Pair up or in groups – discussion with each other ( 5 min)
Share top 2 or 3 challenges with the room (5 min)
(We collect stickies – while people chatting in next session we identify themes BCOER addressing or not)
BCOER Info Update – (10 min) (Erin)
What is the BCOER Group?
(Erin, Janis, Leva – why did we form?)
Coordination for Collaboration – logistical elements that BCcampus can do to help
teleconference & scheduling/wikspace working space – future: listserv & webinar meetings
Frame of reference
Prioritize what we want to do together
Hackfest – Working session (Erin)
OER Guides
Discussion Activity2* – (Leva) (15 min)
What are some ideas for solutions to address key challenges?
How can we work together to do this?
What aren’t we addressing and who is or can?
*Based on the stickies and ideas from the group – report out any alignment or not
Here are the notes from our BCOER ETUG session – April 2014
Key Challenges (groups mention 1 or 2 main challenges from the brainstorm):
What are OERs anyhow?
Unclear path –what next?
Disappearing resources
Big Complicated sites
Institutional Culture doesn’t support openness
How to store and curate /content /materials
Understanding CC licesnces
Design (or not) for reuse
Transferablility (reuse, permissions, quality)
Quality & standards
Pressure from Trad publishers
Promotions & tenure
Turn key solutions are easier
Student POV?
Transfer credit
Student created OERs
Sticky NOTES from Participants Brainstorm on Challenges

THEMES on All Challenges noted from above:
– Where to start?
– uncler path
– don’t know about OERs
– how to “publicize” within the institution?
– know what it is; where to find it; operates under the 5 Rs – what do they mean?
– need to learn more about it
– need feedback form instructors
– searching for OER challenging
– Where do I put my open resources so ppl can find them?
– repositories are not well curated
– storing /curating content produced via open pedagogy
– need for open/curated collections
– open resources not in libary catealogue
– searching efficiently
– navigating (so many) repositories
– may not have open texts fro specific areas
– Merlot
– Open texts sites
– must get to know sites/ complicated
Quality & Longevity of OERs:
– quality – transferability
– hard to determine quality
– OERs that disappear over a short period of time
– disappearing resources
– share products not source files
– contextual relevance
– solo work – no burden / sharing
– challenge if not editable or need a lot of adapting & cannot do it
– lack of ancillary resources
-usability paradox
– understanding CC license
– licensing not always clear
– defining terms & licensing
Resistance to Change:
– Institutional culture can facilitate or hinder adoption
– Hard to get faculty to switch from trad textbooks
– operational challenges wtih adoption
– institutional culture doesn’t support openness
– process of adapting is a challenge
– linking into development opportunities
– time
– 0 for reuse ; 0 resources found in Architecture??
Hi Everyone, I threw in a proposal for Erin, Janis and I to do a session at ETUG as a placeholder and we got accepted by the program committee.
This page is to draft our prep for the ETUG session on the BCOER with focus on a facilitated discussion
The time slot we have is Friday June 13th 11:00 am (50 min) – Langara Campus. Hope you will all join us there! We would like to engage with all interested and facilitate the conversation regarding challenges of OER and crowdsource solutions and what we will do to tackle this together.
Blurb from
Initiatives like the BC Open Textbook project managed by BCcampus, and flexible learning projects like those at UBC and SFU, present more opportunities to use Open Education Resources in BC postsecondary. However many faculty aren’t aware of the benefits of OERs, the range of OERs that are available, or how to find the best ones to use (or revise, or remix). The BCOER, a team of BC postsecondary librarians, has been discussing ways to collaborate on supporting faculty in adopting, using, and ultimately creating OERs. The group has started to identify and develop assessment tools for quality OERs, and has begun working to build finding aids for specific academic disciplines. We’ll talk about what we’ve done so far and we want to hear from you too: bring your questions and ideas on how libraries can support OER initiatives at postsecondary institutions, and share your feedback on the supports and tools we are developing.
Materials Needed (Leva – can you bring these or are they available)
Outline (Janis)
Introductions – get a sense of who is in the room – librarians, instructors or other support people (5 min)
Outline activity to participants 1. Activity on Challenges/Solutions using a modified Liberating structures discussion and crowdsource problems and ideas for solutions 2. Letting people know what BCOER is and what we are doing and trying to achieve Share out our notes and solutions (over time)
Discussion Activity 1* (Janis) – (15 min)
Find who is in the room and move them around (disperse the librarians)
What are the challenges to finding and using OER content in your work?
Take a moment to think about challenges in using OER and write down on a sticky note. (3 min)
Pair up or in groups – discussion with each other ( 5 min)
Share top 2 or 3 challenges with the room (5 min)
(We collect stickies – while people chatting in next session we identify themes BCOER addressing or not)
BCOER Info Update – (10 min) (Erin)
What is the BCOER Group?
(Erin, Janis, Leva – why did we form?)
Coordination for Collaboration – logistical elements that BCcampus can do to help
Hackfest – Working session (Erin)
Discussion Activity 2* – (Leva) (15 min)
What are some ideas for solutions to address key challenges?
How can we work together to do this?
What aren’t we addressing and who is or can?
*Based on the stickies and ideas from the group – report out any alignment or not