Hackfest – Subject Guides Group – May 2014

 Subject Guides Group

BCOER Hackfest Subject Guides Group

Open Education Repositories (OER)


An OER is a online storage system that allows educators to share, manage and use education resources. The repository contains a collection of learning items that support instruction. These items include:

  • open textbooks
  • lesson plans
  • quizzes (i.e. iclickers, etc.)
  • videos, animations, handouts
  • interactive activities and tools (e.g.apps)
  • powerpoint presentations

For the purpose of this project, we will be excluding the following from the OER definition:

  • MOOCs (list of MOOCs, full course MOOCs)
  • open access journals and books
  • Paid resources
  • Government websites

Definition Breakdown

  • space includes diverse material but doesn’t fall “neatly” within the OER definition

Exclusion Criteria for Guides

  • paid resources
  • K-12 (unless significant content for introductory classes)
  • lack of comprehensive content (e.g. focus on lecture capture only)
  • government websites (dependent if the focus is too narrow and/or thematic – e.g. history.nasa.com)
  • Date of last entry/update

Vetted Resource List

The purpose of this work will be the development of subject guides with approved open education repositories (OER) to be used by faculty and librarians.


  1. Review the OER Rubric. Discuss why and how it should be used. The OER Rubric is a working document. Suggestions and modifications can occur throughout the hackfest. Erin and Melanie will make note of issues as they arise and add them to a OER rubric review document.
  2. Review the google doc for suggested subject areas. Break groups up according to interest in subject areas. Assign one individual as Group Facilitator. The Group Facilitator will discuss issues that arise with Erin and Melanie; assist with technical issues; motivate group; etc.
  3. Before beginning, brainstorm a process of finding OERs (e.g. literature review, etc.) Write suggestions strategies on a flip chart for referral.
  4. Brainstorm where the content should reside (wiki, google doc). Review the Subject Guide Template.
  5. Begin!

Subject Guide Template

The template will allow the working groups to create standardized information across the guides. The templates should include the following metadata:

Source Types The kind of content found in the OER. Example: video, audio file, quiz, etc.
Author(s) Creators of the OER.
Title Title given to the resource.
URL Location of the resource. Preferably a stable or permanent URL (PURL).
Subject(s) This field will outline the subject covered in the resource.
Abstract A brief description of the OER.
Copyright/Licensing This field will describe the kind of licensing that has been assigned to the OER (e.g. Creative Commons, YouTube Standard License). Note – If the OER licensing is varied, mention so here.
Level The rating provided to the OER based on the assessment rubric.

Exclusion List

If an OER has been reviewed and will be excluded from the list, enter it into the following form:


  • Laptops
  • Flip chart
  • Sticky notes
  • Pens/markers

San Jose Guide Transition Project

Douglas Master guide: http://guides.douglascollege.ca/oerbydiscipline-master

Subject Area Librarian WikiName Status
Chemistry Debra ChemistryOERR In Process
Psychology Caroline PsychologyOERR Started
Trades Lin TradesOERR In Process
Aerospace Martin AerospaceOERR Complete
Education Erin EducationOERR Started

Compiling a Subject Specific List: Formatting Guidelines and How-To Steps

Main Page >> BCOER Group >> Want to develop content START HERE

Cut/paste the new page start into new tab:


Change New_Page_Name to new name: http://mediawiki.bccampus.ca/index.php/DisciplineNameOERR



New page is created, click edit, and add the following:

ALWAYS TYPE THIS TEXT FIRST: Two [ brackets, then Category, then : then Guides, then two ] brackets.

Cut paste text as follows:

Title of resource: Bold, hyperlink, <BR/>

Description preceded by : then text, then close with <BR/>

Classify as either Courseware or Textbook as a heading in bold, followed by <BR/><BR/>

See [exemplar page] for example

*Note: for embedding into Libguides, mediawiki embed code requires an additional closing tag: </script>